Keilor Village Basketball Update

19 Nov 2017 by Sean Davies

Hi All

Just some relevant information for you to share with your players and parents.

1. While a team is training, the next team waiting to train, NO bouncing of balls or playing on the side line. This could lead to balls rolling onto the court while another team is training resulting in injury.

2. Parents/spectators are NOT allowed to take chairs onto the courts. Chairs are to remain in the tiled foyer.

3. As the weather warms up please make sure players have enough water breaks.

4. Green shirts (apprentice refs) are on the courts at the moment. No one including coaches/spectators are to address green shirts. Please pass this on.

5. Due to exam time the Association have a number of refs out so please be patient if you have a solo. Please be aware that if there is a solo ref that they generally stick between the 2 netball third lines.


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