KBA is going cashless !!!

11 Jul 2018 by Sean Davies

10 July, 2018

To Players, Parents and Members,

Subject: The KBA is going cashless.

Hi everyone,
As of the summer season commencing in October 2018 the KBA will no longer be collecting teamsheet money on game day.
This will mean that all teamsheets must be pre-paid and will be incorporated into registration invoices at the start of each domestic season.
The KBA has been implementing this process over the past couple of seasons, the majority of domestic clubs have adopted this process and it is now our turn to follow. The move to cashless makes sense on a number of fronts and is being implemented across the majority of basketball associations in Australia.
The KBA is also planning go cashless for venue entry fees. For the summer season commencing in October 2018 you will continue to pay the entry fee into all venues on game day as per current practice. However commencing from the 2019 winter season this will no longer be the case and will also be incorporated into your season fees.
These changes are being rolled out across the whole of the KBA and to be a part of this association, all domestic clubs and their members must adapt to the new payment system.

Kind Regards,

Phil Wohlers

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